Pelican Ridge HOA
A turf grass renovation project in a Fort Collins residential community
This site was covered with cool-season turfgrass and had existing shade and evergreen trees.
Pelican Ridge opted for a blue grama and buffalo grass seed mix for their native grass conversion. They focused on irrigation optimization to start the conversion process and estimate saving more than 275,000 gallons of water annually after establishment. Project managers chose to leave some portions of the property un-mowed to show off beautiful seedheads and provide wildlife food and habitat.
Northern Water supported Pelican Ridge and other native grass transformation projects through its Water-Efficiency Landscape Grant program. Learn more about this project and others like it at Northern Water’s website.
Project Scope
The project scope was to upgrade the irrigation system with irrigation head relocation, high-efficiency nozzles, and a new dripline for existing trees and shrubs. These irrigation upgrades supported the transition to a low-water grass.
Renovation Method
Irrigation Optimization
- Adjust head location for better coverage
- Upgrade head and nozzles to efficient technologies
Site Preparation
- Two applications of glyphosate (22,000 sqft.)
- Aeration (five passes in multiple directions)
- Harrow conversion area
- Drill seed at a rate of 4lbs/1000 sqft. (two directions)
- Depth range of 1/4- to1/2-inch deep
- Applied hydromulch tackifier (22,000 sqft.)
Water Savings
Estimated 277,163 gallons. The project is one year old, so we will verify with multiple years of data as it becomes available.
Maintenance Savings
$1,400 in saved maintenance costs (mowing, fertilization, etc.) in the first season post-installation.
Other Benefits
Extension of native area habitat. Leaving native grasses tall and unmowed provides a new pollinator food source and habitat.
Lessons Learned
The conversion location is adjacent to a City-owned native grass open space. Communication with the City on any plant requirements needs to happen early in the planning process.
Buffalograss and Blue Grama Mix After Installation, Left of Concrete Barrier