Case Studies
See how fellow Coloradans are implementing native grasses in their sustainable landscapes.

Wasson Park, Colorado Springs
Learn how Colorado Springs City Parks converted seven acres of Kentucky bluegrass to a native grass mixture with the support of Colorado Springs Utilities. Restoring native grasses in low-use peripheral areas of the park helped reduce water use, lower maintenance costs, and improve the park’s appearance and long-term sustainability.

Aurora Front Lawn Replacement
Read about replacing a turf grass front lawn with a buffalo grass, blue grama, sideoats grama, and wildflower mixture.

Pelican Ridge HOA, Fort Collins
Discover how this homeowners assocation replaced their turf grass with a buffalo grass and blue grama mixture for significant water and maintenance savings.

Arapahoe County Administration Building
See how Arapahoe County replaced high-water turf grass with a shortgrass prairie mixture to save over one million gallons per year.

High Elevation Blue Grama Front Yard
Adding blue grama and native plants to the front yard of this high-elevation home significantly enhanced its curb appeal.